I set this blog up to challenge people to think about America First. I am tired of politicians of all stripes who promise to deliver programs and policies that defy common sense and who act in their own self interest. It is time to put America First.
When we have two unnecessary wars in progress, failing educational systems, an economy in the ditch, and a national debt beyond belief, it is time for Americans to demand policies that make sense for America. Let's look beyond the party rhetoric and get real. It is simply foolish to continue to borrow money from the Chinese and then run up deficits for our children and grandchildren to pay. It is doubly foolish when the government spends our money on wasteful no-bid contracts and unnecessary foreign adventures while is pays little heed to our needs at home to rebuild our infrastructure and invest in alternative energy programs.
America is at a crossroads. Both parties acknowledge this; however, we simply can no longer afford to pursue the policies that favor the special interests over the interests of America. This is why I will be writing about specific actions we must take now to get America back on track. I will also call out the politicians and policies that don't put America's interest first.